Atlanta: (404) 851-8740. M-F: 7:30a – 3:15p Closed Saturdays | Forsyth: (770) 844-3800. M, T, Th, F: 7:30a – 3:15p. Closed Wednesdays & Saturdays |

If you are not a Member, please complete the Member Application before continuing.

Loan Information
Primary Information

Northside FCU Loan Application

Will this be a Single or Joint Application?*

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Personal Information

Primary Applicant - Personal information

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Employment information

Additional Questions

Are you a US citizen or permanent resident alien? *

Do you have any outstanding judgements or have you ever filed for bankruptcy, had a debt adjustment plan confirmed under Chapter 13, had property foreclosed upon or repossessed in the last 7 years? *

Are you likely to file for bankruptcy over the next 12 months? *

Is your income likely to decline in the next two years? *

Are you a co-maker, co-signer, or guarantor on any loan not listed? *

Joint Information

Joint Applicant - Personal information

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

No dashes, spaces, or parentheses

Employment information

Additional Questions

Are you a US citizen or permanent resident alien? *

Do you have any outstanding judgements or have you ever filed for bankruptcy, had a debt adjustment plan confirmed under Chapter 13, had property foreclosed upon or repossessed in the last 7 years? *

Are you likely to file for bankruptcy over the next 12 months? *

Is your income likely to decline in the next two years? *

Are you a co-maker, co-signer, or guarantor on any loan not listed? *

Agree and Submit

Disclosure and Agreement to Terms

I hereby apply for credit with Northside Federal Credit Union (NFCU) according to the terms and conditions of such credit as applicant(s), from time to time, may request from NFCU. NFCU may also investigate applicant(s) creditworthiness, credit history, and financial responsibility through any credit reporting agency, or by direct creditor contact, and NCFU may directly verify applicant(s) employment. Applicant(s) hereby direct any past, present or future employer, person, association, firm, corporation, or agency to furnish any and all information concerning applicant(s) or either applicants' personal affairs, release from any liability is granted in advance. Applicant(s) also certify that there are no law suits pending or judgements outstanding against them other than those applicant(s) have outlined in the application. Applicant(s) understand that any false or misleading statements in this application will cause any loan or extension of credit NFCU grant applicant(s) to be in default. NCFU may then demand immediate payment of the balance of the loan, past due and any late charges. Section 1014, Title 18, U.S. Code Makes It a Federal Crime to Knowingly Make a False Statement on the Loan Application of a Federal Credit Union.

Do you agree with the above terms and conditions? *


Do you agree with the above terms and conditions? *